Lightspeed Frontier Wiki

The Ramming Shield ability is a defensive active ability in Lightspeed Frontier.

Currently it only works with the Physical Barrier Emitter KKC-56 as it is the only module of this type in the game.

Ability Configurator description:

Ramming Shield Activation

  ___                  _             ___ _    _     _    _    
 | _ \__ _ _ __  _ __ (_)_ _  __ _  / __| |_ (_)___| |__| |___
 |   / _` | '  \| '  \| | ' \/ _` | \__ \ ' \| / -_) / _` (_-<
 |_|_\__,_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_||_\__, | |___/_||_|_\___|_\__,_/__/

                     2.01 Compiled 2390-04-23
Starts up any ramming shield emitters on the ship for the duration
they can run before they overheat. Great for momentary defense
against debris or large amount of hostile fire.

Activates ramming shield emitters for 20 seconds.
Reload time: 60 seconds.

System Requirements:
- Physical Barrier Emitter KKC-56 or better
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